earning-capacity value câu
earning capacity
Reduced earning capacity in the future,tiềm năng của các khoản lợi nhuận trong tương lai; How many people depend on your earning capac...

It wasn't me. And besides, I needed to start earning money.Tôi không thích, và ngoài ra, tôi cần bắt đầu kiếm tiền. Russo was probably...

capital earning
The hedge fund magnates Daniel S. Loeb, Louis Moore Bacon and Steven A. Cohen have managed billions of dollars in capital, earning vast...

cash earning
Impoverished villagers in eastern Turkey have been showered with cash, earning $350,000 collectively from selling fragments of meteorit...

company earning
This is good for the business because it helps the company earning faith of the creditors and investors easily.Điều này rất hữu ích vì ...

earning assets
Total earning assets 1,616,673 1,502,998 1,562,729 1,390,192Chi phí tài chính 6,253,505,217 6,101,489,475 6,995,671,970 12,868,952,350 ...

earning interest
Keep your money safe and earning interest.Giữ tiền của bạn một cách an toàn và còn nhận được lãi. When you invest, your money grows be...

earning rate
When you choose revenue sharing, the maximum earning rate you can have is 50%.Khi bạn chọn chia sẻ doanh thu, tỷ lệ thu nhập tối đa bạn...

monthly earning
My monthly earning is more than the pay that I have as a teacher back home.Tính ra lợi tức hàng tháng còn hơn lương của một thầy giáo n...

(b) Cash receipts from other revenue-earning activities (royalties, fees, commissions and other revenues other than received cash amoun...

And with a total capacity for#272;#432;#7907;c r#7891;i, v#224; v#7899;i b#7873; m#7863;t tr#234;n We've been running the equipment at...

interest-earning assets
This should have a positive impact on JPMorgan’s interest-earning assets while also benefiting the NIM figure.Điều này có thể sẽ có tác...

be of value
One never knows when royal blood may be of value.Biết đâu huyết thống hoàng gia lại có giá trị. How can that not be of value to the cl...

by value
Java, C#, and JavaScript Call by Value and ReferenceCuộc gọi Java, C # và JavaScript theo giá trị và tham chiếu Overall, the sale sold...

of no value
It's of no value to you. And it belonged to my mother.Nó không có giá trị gì với anh và nó là của mẹ tôi. And find it is of no use and...

And if the start value is too far removed from true zero, then it fails.Nếu điểm bắt đầu quá xa số 0 thì nó sẽ thất bại. So, you see, ...

use value and exchange value
Value: exchange and use value.Use value and exchange value: Giá trị sử dụng và giá trị trao đổi. Use value and exchange value form a “s...

absorbent capacity
The water absorbent capacity of these types of materials is only in the region of 11 times their weight, but most of this is lost under...

absorbing capacity
Tip: Metal ion can deeply reduce or destroy the water absorbing capacity of sodium polyacrylate.Mẹo: ion kim loại có thể giảm sâu hoặc ...

absorption capacity
This increases mineral absorption capacity of the crops.""Điều đó đã làm tăng khả năng hấp thu của cây trồng." It is said to increase ...

absorptive capacity
EGF is useful in simulating the intestinal cells to multiply and grow thereby increasing absorptive capacity.EGF nồng độ cao sẽ thẩm th...

accumulator capacity
a/ The accumulator capacity of a vehicle using an electric engine must be sufficient for the vehicle to continuously operate on a road ...

actual capacity
Why is the actual capacity of the USB flash disk not correct?Tại sao Ổ USB Flash Dung lượng thật là không đúng dung lượng? This figure...

adaptive capacity
Enhancing adaptive capacity in rural UgandaKinh nghiệm cải thiện năng suất nông nghiệp ở Uganda Adaptive capacity of systems is what I...

address capacity
The TS3200—and its storage management applications—is designed to address capacity, performance, data protection, reliability, affordab...